
The Health 2.0 Show, January 2010

Earlier this week we recorded the very first episode of the Health 2.0 Show. We're calling this new webinar series "The Health 2.0 Show with Indu and Matthew."  The first episode features a quick talk about the new report from Health 2.0 Advisors, called The Past and Future of Health 2.0, and a great interview with Thomas Goetz of Wired Magazine. Thomas’ new book, The Decision Tree, comes out  next month.

Here’s a link to the blog about the topic.  And here’s the webinar. Some technical notes: The sound starts at 0.45 seconds. (Oops!) Matthew’s presentation starts at 7.56. Thomas’ talk and interview starts at 23.06.

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5 replies »

  1. Regarding technical issues…
    I tried to login to the webinar and since Linux is not supported (and my Mac was not available) I had to run the software in my WindowsXP virtual machine. This worked to the point where I logged into the system and had a screen that was ‘waiting for conference to start’… it never started for me… even after repeated logins.
    You might want to consider EVO webinar software. This is used by CERN and is a very reliable and competent video conference software that runs on all computers since it uses a Java client. Free, of course.

  2. Excellent ideas – I need to run read my Wired Mgazine (came yesterday-
    Would like to pu a link to the Decision tree on my website- is that ok?
    As a Primary care physician I agree completely with engaging the person in their health care- We have a Patient portal where our patients hava access to all their records and data- Can’t wait to read the book!

  3. yes…microphone was a bit of an issue, some technical transitions could be better, but hey, it didn’t grossly interfere with the content. I thought it was a great start to a new series. I look forward to the next. Thanks for doing these.

  4. Stand back from the microphone -the noise is very annoying- where is the editor??
    Confusing at times – need to focus on applications and less on platfroms-