Get a group of health policy experts together and you’ll find one area of near universal agreement: we need more transparency in healthcare. The notion behind transparency is straightforward; greater availability of data on provider performance helps consumers make better choices and motivates providers to improve. And there is some evidence to suggest it works. In New York State, after cardiac surgery reporting went into effect, some of the worst performing surgeons stopped practicing or moved out of state and overall outcomes improved. But when it comes to hospital care, the impact of transparency has been less clear-cut.
In 2005, Hospital Compare, the national website run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), started publicly reporting hospital performance on process measures – many of which were evidence based (e.g. using aspirin for acute MI patients). By 2008, evidence showed that public reporting had dramatically increased adherence to those process measures, but its impact on patient outcomes was unknown. A few years ago, Andrew Ryan published an excellent paper in Health Affairs examining just that, and found that more than 3 years after Hospital Compare went into effect, there had been no meaningful impact on patient outcomes. Here’s one figure from that paper:
The paper was widely covered in the press — many saw it as a failure of public reporting. Others wondered if it was a failure of Hospital Compare, where the data were difficult to analyze. Some critics shot back that Ryan had only examined the time period when public reporting of process measures was in effect and it would take public reporting of outcomes (i.e. mortality) to actually move the needle on lowering mortality rates. And, in 2009, CMS started doing just that – publicly reporting mortality rates for nearly every hospital in the country. Would it work? Would it actually lead to better outcomes? We didn’t know – and decided to find out.
Does publicly reporting hospital mortality rates improve outcomes?
In a paper released on May 30 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, we – led by the brilliant and prolific Karen Joynt – examined what happened to patient outcomes since 2009, when public reporting of hospital mortality rates began. Surely, making this information public would spur hospitals to improve. The logic is sound, but the data tell a different story. We found that public reporting of mortality rates has had no impact on patient outcomes. We looked at every subgroup. We even examined those that were labeled as bad performers to see if they would improve more quickly. They didn’t. In fact, if you were going to be faithful to the data, you would conclude that public reporting slowed down the rate of improvement in patient outcomes.
So why is public reporting of hospital performance doing so little to improve care? I think there are three reasons, all of which we can fix if we choose to. First, Hospital Compare has become cumbersome and now includes dozens (possibly hundreds) of metrics. As a result, consumers brave enough to navigate the website likely struggle with the massive amounts of available data.
A second, related issue is that the explosion of all that data has made it difficult to distinguish between what is important and what is not. For example – chances that you will die during your hospitalization for heart failure? Important. Chances that you will receive an evaluation of your ejection fraction during the hospitalization? Less so (partly because everyone does it – the national average is 99%). With the signal buried among the noise, it is hardly surprising that that no one seems to be paying attention — and the result is little actual effect on patient outcomes.
The third issue is how the mortality measures are calculated. The CMS models are built using Bayesian “shrinkage” estimators that try to take uncertainty based on low patient volume into account. This approach has value, but it’s designed to be extremely conservative, tilting strongly towards protecting hospitals’ reputation. For instance, the website only identifies 23 out of the 4,384 hospitals that cared for heart attack patients as being worse than the national rate – about 0.5%. In fact, many small hospitals have some of the worst outcomes for heart attack care – yet the methodology is designed to ensure that most of them look about average. If a public report card gives 99.5% of hospitals a passing grade, we should not be surprised that it has little effect in motivating improvement.
Fixing public reporting
There are concrete things that CMS can do to make public reporting better. One is to simplify the reports. CMS is actually taking important steps towards this goal and is about to release a new version that will rate all U.S. hospitals one to five stars based on their performance across 60 or so measures. While the simplicity of the star ratings is good, the current approach combines useful measures with less useful ones and uses weighting schemes that are not clinically intuitive. Instead of imposing a single set of values, CMS could build a tool that lets consumers create their own star ratings based on their personal values, so they can decide which metrics matter to them.
Another step is to change the approach to calculating the shrunk estimates of hospital performance. The current approach gives too little weight to both a hospital’s historical performance and the broader volume-outcome relationship. There are technical, methodological issues that can be addressed in ways that identify more hospitals as likely outliers and create more of an impetus to improve. The decision to only identify a tiny fraction of hospitals as outliers is a choice – and not inherent to public reporting.
Finally, CMS needs to use both more clinical data and more timely data. The current mortality data available on CMS represents care that was delivered between July 2011 and June 2014 – so the average patient in that sample had a heart attack nearly 2 ½ years ago. It is easy for hospitals to dismiss the data as old and for patients to wonder if the data are still useful. Given that nearly all U.S. hospitals have now transitioned towards using electronic health records, it should not be difficult to obtain and build risk-adjusted mortality models that are superior and remains current.
None of this will be easy, but it is all doable. We learned from the New York State experience as well as that of the early years of Hospital Compare that public reporting can have a big impact when there is sizeable variation in what is being reported and organizations are motivated to improve. But with nearly everyone getting a passing grade on website that is difficult to navigate and doesn’t differentiate between measures that matter and those that don’t, improvement just isn’t happening. We are being transparent so we can say we are being transparent. So, the bottom line is this – if transparency is worth doing, why not do it right? Who knows, it might even make care better and create greater trust in the healthcare system. And wouldn’t that be worth the extra effort?
Ashish Jha is a health policy researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health
Categories: Uncategorized
Can we fix health care markets to make transparency an intrinsic value?
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Yes! incr data and eval mthd transparency. Add: need to check quality of data is good
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One of the big problems in evaluating data is that huge numbers of American are misdiagnosed and given poor or suboptimal treatment plans. It is nearly impossible to detect that through data analyses. That requires detective work beyond claims data and most other forms of easily accessible “data”.
Tom Emerick
Very good piece and study, Ashish. Your recommendations mesh with several I made in a an article on public reporting in the April 2016 issue of Health Affairs. Link below. Kate Goodrich at CMS told me and I think has stated publicly that the agency is getting down to brass tacks on addressing the problems, including making the Hospital Compare interface (as well as the content) more palatable for consumers. Let’s hope the roll out of star ratings is not terribly delayed. Michael M’s Health Affairs/THCB blog offers good recommendations, too….on the steps hospitals should take. Bottom line: Hospital accountability that’s useful for consumers/patients has been bogged down for far too long. As consumers increasingly seek out provider ratings and assessments, it’s time to accelerate the fixes.
Good, Michael.
I wish we could think of more ways for hospitals to be reviewed and graded by people who are outside the system: doctors who use the hospital who are not employed by it, traveling nurses, patients, skf’s who receive their patients, maybe the nearby neighbors who hear the hospital scuttlebutt over the years. All this, because I agree with Michael: the stakes are too high for hospitals to be truly open. I’ve been on their Boards. They are jealous, afraid creatures.
Ashish, I’d appreciate your commenting on my Health Affairs Blog post of May 23 (crossposted here on THCB, see link below) specifically examining what hospitals do to hinder the use of timely and useful data to the public. In brief, the long lag time on claims data could be dramatically cut, clinical data could be made public and, most importantly, the data could be simplified and made more usable.
I don’t disagree with any of your points, but I think you omit the underlying economic stakes in the status quo. Insurers don’t want to upset doctors and hospitals too much, because their employer customers won’t back them up. Politicians know that the public thinks their doctors and hospitals (particularly in nice middle-class areas) are fine. By making things complicated — as opposed to, say, focusing on a few clear measures — we keep this issue one for esteemed academics, such as yourself, as opposed to one where Congress would step in and the industry would lose. That doesn’t underplay the technical issues, but I think they have to be put into perspective.
My report cards post