What does a know-nothing Republican who doesn’t believe in science and is front-runner for his party’s nomination for President say about health care? Pretty much the same that the rest of them now do–unlike McCain, Huckabee et al in 2008. What’s the new Republican ideology? Apparently. there’s not much wrong with health care and what there is wrong, caps on malpractice payouts will fix. Perry cites the increase in the number of doctors in Texas since tort reform caps were put in as proof that it works. Wendell Potter at PR Watch shows that, when corrected with facts, everything Perry says is rubbish. But then again, were you surprised?
Categories: Matthew Holt
I’m a Republican but no fan of Perry (or Romney, for that matter). However, anything Perry has or hasn’t done in Texas produces jobs. Obamacare has wrecked any prospect of an American jobs recovery. Mercifully, he’ll be gone in 17 months’ time, and Republican majorities in both houses can join with a GOP President to strike the ruinous healthcare legislation from the books. It can’t come soon enough.
Tort Reform is a legal weapon used in Texas against Texans ever since Governor Rick Perry signed the 2003 Tort Reform Act.
When there are laws on the books preventing the common man from getting accountability, no telling what will happen.
Providing a link to a video showing just how Tort Reform is working out in Texas or not.
Tort Reform is a legal weapon used in Texas against Texans ever since Governor Rick Perry signed the 2003 Tort Reform Act.
When there are laws on the books preventing the common man from getting accountability, no telling what will happen.
Providing a link to a video showing just how Tort Reform is working out in Texas or not.
If you are unable to access link, just Google Cleveland Mark Mitchell, then click on youtube Cleveland Mark Mitchell December 12 1950 – April 26 2008.
Thank you for your time,
Cilla Mitchell
A Texas nurse and vet