
Can Health 2.0 Improve EHR Adoption?

HEALTH 2.o GOES TO WASHINGTON: This panel discussed the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and ways to improve its adoption and the relationship between physicians and patients. The moderator was Joshua Seidman, Office of Provider Adoption Support at ONC 9formerly from Ix Center) and true to his past Josh was focusing on the needs of the patient. The patient representative was the now famous Regina Holiday, with Jon White from AHRQ and Ted Eytan, from the Permanente Federation also on the panel. Watch for the cool AHRQ commercial about patients asking questions.

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3 replies »

  1. hmm…so accoring to Wendell demonstrating and marketing new technologies to interested audiences, the press, and potentil buyers doesnt lead to getting them adopted, leading to “concrete implementation and effective use of software that permits routine digitization by providers or patients of clinical data into usable data elements along with the easy interchange of those data.”
    So perhaps Wendell can tell us what exactly does….

  2. I realize that the Health 2.0 nonsense is Mr. Holt’s meal ticket so to speak, but unfortunately all these “conferences” essentially represent at best a venue for self-promotion for the ever-present self-promoters in society.
    At best much hot air is blown, but that does not further what matters: concrete implementation and effective use of software that permits routine digitization by providers or patients of clinical data into usable data elements along with the easy interchange of those data.