Here are two social media events that prove something or other.
First, a person on Facebook made the following request of a group of patient advocates:
I’m wondering if I can crowdsource a request here. For those of you who have journal article access, is anyone willing to retrieve a copy of this article from the Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient Safety? The medical library I have access to doesn’t subscribe to this journal. If you can obtain a PDF copy, please email it to me at [email] – Thanks!! More than happy to return the favor some time!
Within minutes, she posted:
That was quick! I love Facebook for this kind of thing!
In a private note to me, she said:
Journals clinging to the subscription model are easily disrupted by connected e-patients. I have often provided journal articles to countless patients and advocates and obtained them when my own library doesn’t have a journal for some reason. Don’t tell! 🙂
Meanwhile, up in Edmonton, Alberta, the Dean of the University of Alberta’s Medical School found himself in trouble for possible plagiarism: